About Emmanuel

Events & Upcoming

Our Mission

Jesus told us that the most important thing in life is to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.  And there’s a second commandment that’s connected closely with that: love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39).  These two things are the essence of what it looks like to follow Jesus.  On top of that, Jesus commanded his followers (disciples) to go out and make more followers (disciples) of him in every place and in every nation on earth (Matthew 28:18-20).  These are our aims – our vision for life together as Emmanuel Baptist Church:

Being Disciples of Jesus Christ

  • Loving God with our heart, soul, mind, & strength
  • Loving others the way God loves us

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  • Reaching our communities with the Gospel
  • Reaching the whole world with the Gospel 

So our purpose and mission as Emmanuel Baptist Church is really the same as every other church of the Lord Jesus Christ around the globe and in every century.  God, in His sovereignty, has just positioned us to do that together in the community of Marion, KS, even as we reach out to every corner of the world.

Church Affiliation

For over 100 years, Emmanuel Baptist Church has partnered together with the North American Baptist Conference of churches.

People will often ask or be confused on how the NAB Conference is similar to or different from other Baptist groups.  Baptist distinctives remain the same: believers baptism by immersion and congregational church government.  The major difference is that NAB is not the result of a split or offshoot of some other English-speaking Baptist group.  Rather, it began in the mid-1800’s as a collection of German-speaking Baptist congregations in the U.S. and Canada that sought to reach out to other pockets of German-speaking populations within North America.  Several factors converged in the first half of the 20th century to move most of these churches to adopt the English language in their worship and ministry, but the family-connectedness of shared history and culture kept them partnering together rather than joining a larger Baptist group.  About the same time the language issue transitioned, the German Baptist Conference changed its name to the North American Baptist Conference.

Today, the NAB is a family of over 400 churches with more than 74,000 worship service attenders in the United States and Canada. North American Baptists are a diverse group of believers representing many cultures and languages. You’ll find us worshipping in small rural churches, large auditoriums, schools, storefronts, and homes.

Each local church chose to be part of the North American Baptist Conference because they wanted to be part of a larger church family focused on making disciples in North America and around the world. That voluntary decision to cooperate with others is a very important witness to our unity in Christ.

Much of that cooperation can be seen locally through 13 NAB Regions. Regions are an important ministry of our Conference, allowing many of our churches to network, maximize resources, and partner on important initiatives.

Emmanuel Baptist Church is a member of the Southwestern Association of the Central Plains Region which stretches from South Dakota to Texas and everything in between.

The cooperation of NAB churches can also be seen in its international missions work in places like Cameroon, Brazil, Japan, Hungary, Romania, the Philippines, Russia, and East Asia.

North American Baptist Conference website – https://nabconference.org/

North American Baptist Missions website – https://nabonmission.org/

Great Plains Region website – https://nabconference.org/

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